On Architecture – Reworking The City Through New Architecture
We are experiencing an unprecedented era in the history of urbanization. Some of the defining challenges of the 21st century are managing the pace of urban growth, creating new approaches in architecture, increasing the quality of living spaces, as well as controlling the environmental quality. At the same time, they also present an opportunity to create living spaces that are smarter, more efficient, more sustainable, and more equal and safer.
In meeting these challenges and opportunities, we will respond to the following topics:
• Roots of Architecture
• New Architecture
• Architectural Inspiration (in heritage and history; in new technologies and media)
• Challenges
• Reshaping Architecture, reshaping Cities
• Protection of heritage/ restoring a tradition
• New media in art and architecture
• The role of new technologies / nanotechnology, robotics
• Research for future cities (the future of the city)
• Sustainability and sustainable architecture
• Resilient development
• Smart development, smart houses, 3D-printed houses
The Conference topics are also the exhibition topics. We kindly invite the perspective architects, town planners and artist to submit their projects, drawings, and photographs that respond to the scope of the above listed topics.
Ružica Bogdanović, Phd is a Professor of Urban planning and Sustainable development at the Faculty of Architecture, Union University – Nikola Tesla in Belgrade and the Faculty of Transport Engineering, University of Belgrade. Main areas of interest in research and teaching include: urban planning, urban design, sustainable development.
She has initiated, conducted and implemented a number of scientific research projects as team leader and principal investigator. Has organized and moderated numerous panel discussions, round tables, national and international symposia. Author of numerous books and articles in professional journals. Presented papers at numerous national and international congresses and symposia.
Ružica Bogdanović contributes to the profession by active engagement in different professional organizations. She is a member of IsoCaRp, a delegate of Serbia in the ECTP, member of the Association of Serbian Town Planners, Society of Belgrade Urban Planners (was a Chairperson for 8 years, in two terms), Belgrade Association of Architects.
She received several awards for projects and books, as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award “Emilijan Josimovic Grand Award”.