HERSUS Story: Changing Perceptions on Sustainable Built Heritage through Education
Vladan Djokić
Abstract: The keynote will share the story of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project HERSUS implemented from 2020-2023 in Serbia, Italy, Cyprus, Greece, and Spain. The HERSUS project, as its full title indicates, aims to enhance heritage awareness and sustainability of the built environment in urban and architectural design higher education. HERSUS is situated in a changing and challenging context of architectural discourse and grounded on co-creative research platform for up-skilling of architectural students through learning/training/teaching activities and spectrum of didactic tools. In the context of multiple influences affecting the development and transformation of cities – such as climate change, green challenges, and social transformation – the problematization of heritage issues in the setting of the city and landscape becomes a priority topic. Within this multilayered research scope, to have far-reaching implications in the practical sense, its integration into existing study programs as well as new study programs is of immense importance. As a result, a new profile of architects/urban designers is needed in the wider architectural field, and a new professional profile, with specific technical, technological, socio-humanistic, and artistic skills is needed to respond to these challenges.
Keywords: Architectural Education; Heritage; Sustainability; Professional Skills and Competences
How to cite this Paper (Harvard referencing style):
Djokić, V. (2023) ‘HERSUS Story: Changing Perceptions on Sustainable Built Heritage through Education’, in R. Bogdanović (ed.) On Architecture — Challenges in Design, Proceedings. Belgrade, Serbia: STRAND, pp. 10–15.
See publication On Architecture (2023) Conference Proceedings