Conference Guidelines

Style guidelines are for the authors who are preparing their manuscripts for Papers or Posters for conference proceedings. Final manuscripts will be compiled into Conference Proceedings and will be made available in .pdf (Adobe Acrobat) format. Language of the conference is English.

Papers must not exceed 5000 words in length (2000 words for Posters), excluding abstract, figures and references.

Short biography
Send a short biography of the author(s) of up to 50 words in a separate document.

Legal bit
In a separate document please send a signed declaration stating that your manuscript is the original work and has never been copyrighted and/or published in its submitted form.

File format
Papers should be submitted as a .doc .docx or .rtf attachment by email to
Please do not send zipped files or files in PDF format.

Set the page to A4 with margins of 2.5 cm all around. Please do not insert headers, footers, or page numbers. All text should be in a single column.

Calibri font 10 pt with single line spacing for all texts including title, authors names, headings, figures, and references.

Insert the title of the paper in bold, left aligned, at the top of the first page only.

Author name and Affiliation
On the following line, place the names of the author(s), excluding degrees or qualifications. Where all authors are with the same affiliation, use the following format:

Lead Author, Second Author, Third Author
Organization/Affiliation (if applicable), Town, Country
secondauthor@email (optional)
thirdauthor@email (optional)

For multiple authors from different organizations:

Lead Author1, Second Author2, Third Author3
1 Organization/Affiliation (if applicable), Town, Country
2 Organization/Affiliation (if applicable), Town, Country
3 Organization/Affiliation (if applicable), Town, Country
secondauthor@email (optional)
thirdauthor@email (optional)

Insert up to 500 words abstract. Include up to 6 keywords.

Body text
For body text use Calibri 10 point, single-spaced and fully justified. Please use normal capitalisation within the text. Bulleted or numbered lists are permitted. Figures and tables must have titles. Insert images as picture files (.gif .jpg .bmp .png). Please avoid using footnotes. Endnotes are not permitted.

All headings should use initial capitals only (except Acronyms). Use the following numbering convention:

1 Heading 1
1.1 Heading 2
1.1.1 Heading 3

If applicable insert acknowledgements just before the references.

References should follow the Harvard referencing style which means that primary references in the text should be in the format (Foucault 1994) and listed at the end of the paper as following:

Foucault, M. (1994). The Order of Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences. New York: Vintage Press