Call for Papers and Contributions


4-5 December 2020 CONFERENCE
2-11 December 2020 EXHIBITION

Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology
Belgrade, Serbia

Join us for the international annual STRAND Conference and Exhibition ON ARCHITECTURE 2020 at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Gallery of Science and Technology.

Submission for Conference is closed.

Submit your Application for Exhibition before 15 September 2020 by email including illustration of the work and short description 70 words.

Browse and download Open Call:

Papers that fit within main topics of conference theme and programme areas of interest are welcome and can be joined as introductory lectures.

After closing date of the Abstract submission for Conference on 15 June 2020, the paper selection for the 2020 conference will commence.

Authors will receive notification of acceptance by the end of June.

Authors of accepted contributions to the conference are expected to register for the conference and present their contribution at the Conference.

The Association is keen that the papers presented at the Conference address themes of relevance to the learning policy agenda in Europe and worldwide – from a research, policy or practice angle.